Aure almárea

Hrívesse aure almárea 
olosseo arwa
úvea ar fallea
aiqua pendesse
nu anar sisílala
elennar tintinala,
pende carna vilien
nandenna ve rámainen
roitaina i súrinen
as finde hlápula
mi ringa nácala
mal enda úruva
nárinen alasseva
ar sáma pírala
ve limpe lissenen

verca hortiénen 
ter losse vinya.

A blessed day in winter
is having fallen snow
abundant and foamlike
on a steep slope
under the sun shining
to the stars sparkling
a slope made for flying
to the valley like on wings
chased by the wind
with the hair flying
in the biting cold 
but the heart fiery
with flames of joy
and the mind spinning
like from sweet wine

from the wild speeding
through the new snow.